Call for Nominations for the 2022
Edwin C. Bearss Preservation Award
and the
Edwin C. Bearss Legacy Award
These two awards were created by the
Civil War Round Table of the District of Columbia (CWRTDC) to honor the life
and legacy of one of the nation’s preeminent Civil War historians: the late
Edwin C. Bearss. Ed spent more than seven decades crusading for battlefield
site preservation, expanding interest and education in the military, political
and socio-cultural history of events leading up to the Civil War, the War
itself, and its aftermath. He led countless tours of battlefields and other
Civil War related sites.
Severely wounded as a Marine in the
South Pacific during WW2, Ed understood the chaos and horror of battle and therefore
was uniquely able to communicate the battlefield experience to his
audience. He authored more than two dozen books on the Civil War, joined
the US National Parks Service, and served as its chief historian from 1981-1994
and later as its Historian Emeritus. Ed was an honorary lifetime member
of our Round Table and spoke regularly at its meetings and as its guide during
many of its battlefield tours.
Seeking to assist Ed in his mission to protect, preserve and interpret Civil War sites around the country, this Round Table for many years made financial gifts for these purposes to an organization Ed selected. With his passing in 2020, the Round Table decided to continue this tradition by creating a new Edwin C. Bearss Awards program. More information about Ed Bearss and the Awards Program is posted below in separate entries on this page or by clicking HERE (
Monetary gifts to support the program are essential for the continuation of this awards and may be made through the Round Table’s by using the payment module at the end of this post. All donations are maintained separately from the Round Table’s regular accounts and are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The first recipient (2021) of the
new Edwin Bearss Preservation Award was the African American Civil War
Memorial Museum of Washington, DC, which recognizes the contributions of the
U.S. Colored Troops and the persons of color who served in the US Navy during
the Civil War. Dr. Frank Smith, the museum’s Executive Director, plans to
use the grant for exhibits and youth educational outreach. The 2021
Bearss Legacy Award, a non-monetary award, was presented to Wendy Swanson, for
her outstanding contributions to the preservation of US Civil War sites,
landmarks, and education.
More information about the 2021 Awards Program is posted below in separate entries on this page or by clicking HERE (
A monetary award is presented to a
person or entity (a non-profit organization or public agency) to assist in
preservation of a Civil War site or history, with “preservation” being used in
the broadest sense of the word. This includes but is not limited to, the
acquisition of property; the building, repair or restoration of a property; and
the promotion, definition or narration of a site through interpretation, information or infrastructure, including research and educational materials or
It is the intent of the CWRTDC Board
that the Preservation Award in any given calendar year will be $2,500. The grant amount may, at the
discretion of the CWRTDC Board of Directors, be increased or decreased.
Use of the Award for financial matching for similar purposes is
Purpose of the Edwin C. Bearss Legacy
This award, which is non-monetary, is
to be given to a person or persons who exemplify and emulate Ed Bearss’s
dedication in their personal efforts and commitment to preserve Civil War
historic sites, landmarks, and relevant educational activities.
Nominees need not be members of the
CWRTDC, but their membership is encouraged. Any person who meets the criteria set forth in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, any non-profit entity,
or any public entity or agency is eligible for the Preservation Award. Any person or
group of persons is eligible for the Legacy Award.
Nomination Process
- Call for nominations will be issued not later than September 15, 2022.
- Sharing information about the Ed Bearss Awards and the nomination process as widely as possible is permitted and encouraged.
- Nominations will be due by close of business November 15, 2022.
- Submissions may be made by completing the form available in a fillable PDF HERE ( or in a Word document HERE ( and sending it via email to or by mail to 3601 Pickett Road, #2123, Fairfax, VA 22031 (postmarked no later than November 15, 2022).
- Nominations may be made by either: (1) a CWRTDC member, or (2) a non-member, provided the nomination is endorsed by a CWRTDC member. In order to ensure fair and impartial consideration of nominations consistent with conflict of interest requirements, nominations may not be submitted or endorsed by persons on the Board of Directors or on the ad hoc Ed Bearss Awards Selection Committee of the CWRTDC. Note: an endorsement is not required if the nomination is submitted by a member.
- Selections of the 2022 awardees will be recommended by the ad hoc Ed Bearss Award Selections Committee and approved by the CWRTDC Board of Directors.
- Absent unforeseen circumstances, the awards will be presented in person at the joint dinner meeting of the CWRTDC and the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia scheduled to be held at the Officers’ Club at Fort Myer, Virginia, on February 8, 2023.
Follow up by Awardee
The awardee of the Edwin C Bearss
Preservation Award should confirm in writing within one calendar year after
receipt of the award how the grant was used as described in connection with the
nomination process. If the intended use of the grant is not possible, the
awardee should advise the CWRTDC of any change to the requested purpose or
return the grant to the CWRTDC to allow it to be reallocated for future
It would also be appreciated if the
awardee of the Edwin C Bearss Preservation Award publicly acknowledge its
receipt of the award from the CWRTDC.
Please contact Bill Dickinson, Chair of the CWRTDC’s Edwin C. Bearss Awards Selections Committee at or 703.403.8721. Bill is also looking for members who would like to serve on the committee. Any Director, Officer or Member of the CWRTDC may serve, provided they have not made or sponsored a nomination.
A copy of this document is available by clicking HERE (